Call for Entries

Deadline 3rd January 2021
To be eligible, short films:


must be no longer than 20 minutes
(including opening and closing credits)


have no limit for what concerns
genre and themes


can come from any nation and be in any language
(if with English and/or Italian subtitles)
must be made after
1st January 2019


must not be music videos,
advertisement or industrial films
▶️Submit through the website
1. we will contact you on the email you provided
2. if you subscribed through the website, you must first fill out the entry form
3. we will ask you to send the following materials: 



(pdf, jpg, png, tiff)
1. The screening authorization duly filled out and signed.
2. Three (3) frames of the short film.
3. One (1) picture of the director.


(pdf, doc, txt, odt)
1. Short synopsis (maximum 300 characters).
2. Biography and filmography of the director.
3. Cast and crew.
4. Script (or subtitles) in English including timecode in .ssa or .srt format is
required for films in other languages than
(Documents must be written in Italian and/or English)



(mov, mp4)
(through a link for download, including password if necessary)
1. One copy in zipped MOV or MP4 format encoded with H.264 codec.
2. Trailer (not mandatory but appreciated if available).
1. Location and dates
1.The 6th edition of the Ennesimo Film Festival (“Just-One-More Film Festival”) will be held fromthe 6th to the 9th of May 2021 at Astoria Theatre in Fiorano Modenese (Modena, Italy). The screenings will be open to the public and free of charge.
1.2 Ennesimo Film Festival is organized by Tilt Associazione Giovanile with support from the Town Council of Fiorano Modenese and sponsored by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council, Fondazione di Modena and Arci Modena association
2. Prizes and panel of judges
2.1The panel’s decisions will be final.
2.2 There will be only one winner for each selected category.
2.3 The amount of money for each prize will be announced during the year and before the disclosure of the Ennesimo official selection.
2.4 No prize money will be awarded for special mentions.
2.5 The following prizes will be awarded:
– Ennesimo Critics’ Choice prize will be awarded to the best short film of the Ennesimo Official Selection by a panel of judges from the world of cinema, communication and teaching. The panel will work independently from the festival organization and in compliance with its rules. The artistic directors, if necessary and upon request from the members of each panel, can be consulted for advice regarding merely technical and procedural matters. Anyone who has taken part in the production or in the selection of the works cannot be a member of the panel.
– Ennesimo People’s Choice Prize will be awarded to the best short film of the Ennesimo Official Selection by people’s panel chosen from the audience attending on the nights of the competition.- Ennesimo Youth Prize will be awarded to the best short film of the Ennesimo Young Selection by a panel made up of the students involved in the project “Non è l’Ennesima giornata di scuola” (“This is not going to be Just-One-More day of school”).
– Ennesimo Artemisia prize will be awarded to the best short film of the Ennesimo Official Selection by a panel made up of the members of Circolo Culturale Artemisia (issues related to the female world).
– Ennesimo Comedy Prize will be awarded to the best comedy short film of the Ennesimo Official Selection by by people’s panel chosen from the audience attending on the nights of the competition.
-Caesar Design Film Award will be awarded to the best short of the selection of the same name devoted to design and architecture, and especially to the impact that these two creative fields have on humankind and on the planet. In the nextfew months, the topic of 2021 edition will be announced.
– Ennesimo Philosophy Mention will be awarded to the best short of the selection Non è l’Ennesimo FestivalFilosofia whose topic will be freedom. The mention will be announced within the programming of festivalfilosofia (September 2021).
2.6 The prizes will be announced and awarded on the final night of the Ennesimo Film Festival, according to point 2.5 of this Call for entries.
3. Eligibility
3.1 Works up to 20 minutes in length (including opening and closing credits) are eligible for the competition with no limits regarding themes and genre.
3.2 Short films from any nation and in any language are eligible for the competition.
3.3 Only works produced afterJanuary 1st 2019will be admitted to the competition.
3.4 There are no limits regarding the number of works that can be presented, as long as all applicants fill out a relevant entry form for each film.
3.5 No music video, advertisement or industrial film will be admitted.
3.6 Only the films submitted through the authorized submission platforms will be accepted.
3.7 All works will be selected by the artistic directors and by other members of the festival organization, who form the selection committee.
3.8 The works submitted to this call, even though excluded from the official selection, could be used for other cinema-themed events. These will be organized during the whole year by Tilt Associazione Giovanile, in collaboration with national cultural events. In this case the directors concerned will be contacted and asked for the authorization to the screening.
3.9 The final deadline for the submission of the works is31st December 2020
4. Selection
The selected works will be:
– 20 works for the Ennesimo Official Selection (in competition for Ennesimo Critics’ Choice, Ennesimo People’s Choice Prize, Ennesimo Artemisia Prize)
– 6 works for Ennesimo Young Selection (in competition for Ennesimo Youth Prize)
– 6 works for Ennesimo Comedy Selection (in competition for Ennesimo Comedy Prize)
– 6 works for Caesar Design Film Award (in competition for CDFA)
– 6 works for Ennesimo Philosophy Mention (in competition for the mention Non è l’Ennesimo Festival Filosofia).
4.2 Once the works have been selected, all relevant authors and directors will be notified by email.
4.3 The producers of the short films must complete the entry form in full, fill the projection authorization and submit the materials required within the deadline. Any failure in the submission process will result in being excluded from the competition.
4.4 The selection of the works must be kept strictly confidential until the announcement of the official program of the festival.
4.5 Applicants who have not been selected won’t receive any notice from the festival organization. A list of the selected works will be disclosed on the above-mentioned website, in the national press and on our social network pages.
4.6 The materials submitted during the selection phase may be used by the press (including online media), which will be in charge of writing articles related to the 2021 edition of the festival and by the festival organization itself, which is therefore authorized to post the contents on the official website and on all social media channels. Audiovisual abstracts no longer than 15 seconds for each work, who have been selected by the festival press office possibly with respect to theindications given by the authors and directors themselves, can be used by radio and local television to create reports on the 2021 edition of the festival and also by the festival organization itself, which will publish the information on the official website and on social media channels.
4.7 No cash payment is envisaged for the submission of the short films that will be screened, nor for the use of the materials submitted upon registration.
5. Materials and copyrights
5.1 All materials submitted for the competition will become part of the festival archive and also of the Tilt Associazione Giovanile video archive.
5.2 Every year, Tilt Associazione Giovanile organizes the so-called “Ennesimo Tour” to present the short films to the widest possible audience and the festival organization commits itself to using the materials exclusively for cultural purposes and for events related to the festival.
5.3 In order to protect the rights of the authors and producers involved, no work will be used for commercial purposes. The authors’ consent will be required for any use other than that specified herein.
5.4 The festival organization will adopt all necessary measures to protect the copyrights of the works entrusted to it, in compliance with the legal provisions governing audio-visual piracy.
5.5 In case of extreme conditions that prevent the regular running of the Festival in a public place, the organization will communicate to the selected directors the event recovery plan and the most suitable method for the regular execution of the competition. These could include both the television screening of the short films (within programs aimed at enhancingthe works and without commercial interruptions for profit) and/or the use of specialized online platforms (subject to login by viewers). In any case, the directors of the selected shorts will be notified in time about the chosen broadcasting channel.
5.6 The Artistic Direction reserves the right to cancel the 2021 edition of the Festival or to reduce it to a smaller event if the necessary security conditions are not met to foresee its execution. In this regard, the categories, prizes and voting methods (explained in points 2.5 and 4.1 of this Call for entries) may also be subject to changes, which will be regulated by specific rules available on the website
6. Acceptance of the rules
6.1 The participation in the festival is strictly subject to compliance with its rules.
6.2 The registration to this call entails the inclusion of the applicant’s data in the festival’s database. This will be used for the newsletter in case of official announcements.
6.3 All applicants are required to guarantee that they are lawfully entitled to submit their materials to the festival.
6.4 The artistic director has the right to settle all the issues that fall outside the rules previously mentioned and to waive them in particular, well-motivated cases.
6.5 If necessary, the festival organization reserves the right to modify the rules (for example in relation to prizes and data).
6.6 Any dispute or claim arising from personal interpretations of the rules will be settled according to that specified in the original Italian document