13 MIN
Il ristorante sta chiudendo e Oleg Maratovich ha ancora voglia di festeggiare. Insieme a 3 suoi impiegati che non riescono a resistere al suo charme, parte alla ricerca di una nuova avventura, finché la storia prende una piega inaspettata...
The restaurant is closing and Oleg Maratovich still wants to celebrate. With three of his employees, who are no longer able to resist his charm, he sets off in search of a new adventure. The story resolves with a completely unexpected twist.
Ruslan Bratov, classe 1986 è nato a Cherkessk nella Repubblica di Karachay-Cherkess. Laureato in regia alla Russian University of Theatre Arts, ha lavorato alla School Of Dramatic Art e insieme al Moscow Young Generation Theater. Dal 2014 fa parte della Moscow Art Theatre Troupe sotto la direzione O. P. Tabakov. Merry-Go-Round è il suo debutto alla regia.
Ruslan Bratov was born in 1986 in Cherkessk in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. He graduated from the directing department of the Russian University of Theatre Arts and has worked at the School Of Dramatic Art and together with the Moscow Young Generation Theater. Since 2014 he has been part of the Moscow Art Theatre troupe under O. P. Tabakov. Merry-Go-Round is his debut as a film director.
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