Frederic Siegel & Benjamin Morard
10 MIN
In partenza per il lavoro dei suoi sogni, un tecnico satellitare tiene a bada la solitudine messaggiando costantemente con i suoi vecchi amici. A causa della sua negligenza, però, un satellite lascia la sua orbita e fa crollare l'intera rete mondiale.
Leaving for his dream job, a satellite technician keeps solitude at bay by constantly texting with his old friends. After neglecting his duties, a satellite leaves its orbit which causes the world's network to collapse.
Frederic Siegel è un regista d'animazione svizzero, visual artist e membro del collettivo zurighese Team Tumult. Si laurea presso la Lucerne School of Art and Design. Benjamin Morard è un regista, animatore e storyboard artist di Zurigo. Dopo la laurea alla Lucerne School of Art and Design, ha co-fondato il collettivo creativo Team Tumult.
Frederic Siegel is a Swiss animation director, visual artist and member of the Zurich-based collective Team Tumult. He graduated at the Lucerne School of Art and Design. Benjamin Morard is a Zurich-based director, animator and storyboard artist. After graduating at the Lucerne School of Art and Design, he co-founded the creative collective Team Tumult.