Jonatan Etzler

13 mins



As long as he stays inside a public swimming pool, a man cannot be arrested. As he tries to stay afloat in the water and in his life, the police must find a way to end this standoff.
Finché rimane all’interno della piscina pubblica, un uomo non può essere arrestato. Mentre galleggia sull’acqua e sulla sua vita, la polizia deve trovare il modo di mettere fine a questa situazione di stallo.

After graduating from the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, he won the Student Academy Awards in Los Angeles in 2018, thanks to his film Get Ready with Me. He took part in several festivals, among which SXSW, Palm Springs and Aspen Shortfest.
Laureato all'Accademia di Arti Drammatiche di Stoccolma, vince gli Student Academy Awards di Los Angeles nel 2018 con Get Ready with Me. Ha partecipato a numerosi festival tra i quali SXSW, Palm Springs e Aspen Shortfest.

