Thanks to the project curated by Ennesimo Academy, the 1B class from the Leopardi school in Fiorano writes and interprets the beginning of the short film awarded last year in the Fuorifuoco category of Ennesimo Film Festival



To bind school and cinema, allowing the students to be protagonists of the production of a true and through short film hand in hand with a professional filmmaker and his troupe. This is the objective of the project Incipit, to the origin of Grinta which will find its space in the programme of Ennesimo Film Festival’s ninth edition (28th April – 5th May) as a conclusion to the Ennesimo Acacdemy’s project, dedicated to the sixth grade classes of the middle schools from adherent municipalities. The journey in class involved three meetings lasting two hours each, during school hours, to look up-close how to develop an idea, a cinematographic one in this case, and to learn how behind every narration there is an author who determined the way to tell it.

Once this first step had been done, it was asked the students to come up with and write the scenography of the short film Grinta’s incipit by Belgian director Nils Vanderwaeren, the winner of last year’s Fuorifuoco category, the section of short films dedicated to the world of soccer and inaugurated in occasion of the latest soccer Championship, whose prize was awarded by athletes from Fiorano’s sport clubs and associations. The 1B class from the middle school “G.Leopardi” in Fiorano has managed to produce the best incipit, securing the win of a special prize: during the Ennesimo Film Festival, it will have the opportunity to film together with Vanderwaeren the product of its own imagination, the beginning of the short film drawn up by the class itself.

That is what will come to be. In the following months, the class will work on the pre-production phase along with the director and the Ennesimo Academy educators, going on stage between the 28th and the 30th April in order to turn the idea into reality. The set will be, once more, the city of Fiorano, the big protagonist of Ennesimo Film Festival’s ninth edition. The short film event itself will host, Sunday 5th May at Teatro Astoria, the last day of the festival, the screening of the final product, which will be edited by Vanderwaeren with the students.

The short film. Grinta sees the world through the eyes of Kenneth, who fights his multiple sclerosis trying to keep it hidden to those around him. During a soccer game he finds himself in front of a turning point.

Il regista. Nils Vanderwaeren lives and works in Belgium. He debuted in the world of short films with Grinta, which came out in December 2022, and has been awarded with Ennesimo Film Festival’s Fuorifuoco category.