From 13 th April to 9 th May 2019 Piazza Ciro Menotti Fiorano Modenese
From 13 th April to 9 th May a transparent cloud (Nuvola) has found its home in Piazza Ciro Menotti in Fiorano to make almost 30 encounters rain on the Ceramic District. These meetings aim to stimulate knowledge, learning, sharing and sense of community. The new forms of play and cultural consumption tend increasingly to isolation, opening up to forms of both behavioural and cognitive addiction.
The best way to prevent them is meeting together to see the world from another perspective. The perspective of a cloud ready to colour and take the form of anyone who wants to live it!
The activities are promoted in cooperation with Unione dei Comuni (Municipalities Union) within the local plan for the prevention and the contrast to pathological gambling.
The project is realized by TILT Associazione Giovanile with Balena Ludens and many more local associations, like Ennesimo Film Festival, Associazione Il Melograno, Alco, Babele Group, Associazione Sostegno Demenze, Fablabjunior, Ludoteca di Fiorano Modenese, APS Legalità Bene Comune, Progetto Nuovamente Secchia and Mamimò Theater Centre.
Ready for a trip into the gaming’s world? Read the complete activity programme in the #cloud ?
Moreover, in the three-days festival, “Nuvola” will become the place where to live a virtual odyssey!
For the first time in Fiorano and in the Ceramic District, a full-immersion experience will take life.
During the Festival, thanks to the use of VR Headsets, is it possible to travel in unexplored realities and make contact with a technology which, in all probability, will carve out a space within daily life in the next years. A visit in an african village with jungle animals, the close observation of the tops of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the discover of the researches carried out by NASA in the Arctic Polar Circle: these are just some of the films you could live closely to get ideas, knowledge and comprehension moving. Even at a standstill, when you observe reality filtered by VR Headsets.
30-minutes turns.
Booking on place is mandatory.
Screenings forbidden to children under 13 years of age.
A project realized with the support and the collaboration of: