by Redazione Ennesimo Film Festival

More than 2500 people took part at Ennesimo events for a record edition.
Ennesimo People’s Choice Prize for the Oscar Winner Skin
Last Sunday with the Awards Ceremony night finished the 4th edition of the Ennesimo Film Festival. Panels of judges composed of Alice Cucchetti, Lorenzo
Rossi Espagnet e Carlo Migotto has awarded with the Ennesimo Critic’s Choice Prize the short movie Sex Ed, telling about Ed, sex education teacher
and realized by the English director Alice Seabright. People’s Choice Prize went to Skin, the USA movie by Guy Nattiv which already won the Oscar 2019 as best short movie. Artemisia Prize as well, assigned by the the same name Cultural Association, went to Skin. The Comedy Prize, assigned by the audience of the Ennesimo Film Festival wen to Death of a Fruitfly by Lukas Von Berg, and the 900 students of Fiorano, Sassuolo, Maranello, Scandiano and Castellarano schools awarded the Italian short Fino alla fine by Giovanni Dota.