Taxi Driver’s 40th anniversary at the Tribeca Film Festival

In 1998, the American Film Institute listed Taxi Driver among the 100 best US films. The 4 Oscar Award nomination­winning film, that won the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1976, was a huge financial success. Robert De Niro, Martins Scorsese and Jodie Foster have decided to meet up on 21 April at the Tribeca Film Festival to celebrate its glorious 40 years.

«It’s odd to think that four decades have passed since we shot Taxi Driver on the streets of a very different New York City», said Scorsese. «It was made in a surge of energy, starting with Paul’s one­of­a­kind script, and I was working with an extraordinary group of artistic collaborators as anyone could ever hope for». De Niro said he remains «equally proud today».

De Niro cares a lot about the Tribeca reunion, as he is one of the festival’s founders with Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff. The festival was held for the first time in 2002 to revitalize TriBeCa, a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, following the 9/11 attacks. In the first year, the festival was organized in 120 days by more than 13,000 volunteers… We, at the Ennesimo Film Festival, may be fewer, but we share the same passion!

Photo: Foster, De Niro, and Scorsese on the Manhattan set of TAXI DRIVER Columbia Pictures