Regulations concerning the televoting procedure for the program Ennesimo Film Festival on TV
From mobile phone: (+39) 3899174170

The present regulations concern the televoting service related to the TV program Ennesimo Film Festival on TV airing on TRC TV Modena e Bologna, available on digital terrestrial TV channels 11 and 15 within the Emilia-Romagna region, on the following dates:
Tuesday, June 16, from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 17, from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m.
Thursday, June 18, from 10.30 to 11.30 p.m.



1. Ennesimo Film Festival  on TV is a format related to the 2020 edition of the above-mentioned international short film festival, organized by the youth association TILT. The 20 short films from the official selection will be screened over four TV episodes.
2. The televoting service related to the TV program allows the audience to select the winner of the the Ennesimo People’s Choice award as regulated by the festival’s guidelines.
3. The voting session will begin with the screening of the first short film and will end at the same time as the episode. Any votes received before or after the voting session will be considered invalid.
4. The televoting service is deemed personal. The televoting service is reserved for customers over the age of 18. It is forbidden to make use of automated systems able to send a massive number of SMS, as well as via centre services.
5. The televoting service is closely connected with the Ennesimo Film Festival on TV program; therefore, in the event of an interruption or suspension of the program, the televoting service will consequentially be suspended and it will no longer be possible to cast votes. Users who took part in the televoting sessions concluded before the interruption/suspension of the program will not be eligible for a refund of the costs paid for the service.
6. The televote service is provided by all mobile phone operators. The cost of the service depends on the tariff plan of each individual user, and no surcharges will be applied.
7. In order to determine the final tally, all the votes received over the three screening episodes will be collected. The sum total will determine the voting results.
8. The audience will be able to vote by sending a text message to the number (+39) 3899174170, indicating the code of the short film chosen among those broadcasted from the official selection.
9. Each telephone user can express a maximum of 1 (one) vote per short film for each voting session. If the same telephone user sends 2 (two) or more text messages with the code of the same short film, any extra votes will be regarded as not valid for the purposes of the assignment of the Ennesimo People’s Choice award. If the same telephone user sends 1 (one) text message for each short film competing within the official selection, all are considered valid for the purpose of assigning the Ennesimo People’s Choice award.
10. Only votes conveyed via text message to (+39) 3899174170 and containing the code assigned to the short film from the official selection will be considered valid. Text messages containing the title of the short film, both on its own and in addition to the related code, will also be considered valid votes, as the audience member’s voting intent will appear clear (in compliance with the limit of 1 (one) vote for short film per each voting session). Text messages containing codes or words different from the ones assigned to the short film will not be considered valid votes for the assignment of the Ennesimo People’s Choice award.
11.  The Ennesimo People’s Choice award will be assigned to the short film that will have received the most valid votes. In the case of 2 (two), 3 (three) or more short films receiving the same number of votes, the Ennesimo People’s Choice award will be assigned to all winning short films and the prize will be split in 2 (two), 3 (three) or more parts depending on the number of short films sharing the same amount of valid votes.
12. The televoting procedure is granted in compliance with the Regulation on transparency and effectiveness of televoting services Sub-Annex A to Resolution no. 38/11/CONS.
13. The present regulations are published on the website Youth association TILT reserves the right to alter the structure of the regulations, and any alterations due to editorial requirements will be signalled on the same website. As required by paragraph 6.5 of the Ennesimo Film Festival participation call, addressed to directors, production and/or distribution companies and filmmakers, this regulation alters the process of assigning the Ennesimo People’s Choice award.
14. By accepting to participate in the remote voting procedure via SMS, the user hereby declares to be aware of, accept and agree to the provisions stated in the present regulation, as well as to be acquainted with the technical and technological limits of the means at disposal. In view of the above, Tilt Associazione Giovanile, Ennesimo Film Festival and TRC TV will not be held responsible for any technology-related problem or issue that could prevent and/or interrupt the phone-in vote (for example: in case of telephones that are unable to send text messages, power failure, delays in the telephone line, etc.). By agreeing to this regulation, the users that will take part in the televoting hereby irrevocably wave any claim, action (including legal ones), request and right to compensation against Tilt Associazione Giovanile, Ennesimo Film Festival and all promoters, sponsors, official partners and everyone involved in any way in the project and in the competition, by relieving them of all responsibilities from now on.
15. Tilt Associazione Giovanile, with registered office in Piazza Ciro Menotti 1, 41042, Fiorano Modenese (MO), will act as Data Controller. With respect to all matters relating to personal data processing and to the exercise of the rights provided for by the GDPR, please write to:
16.  Personal data provided via phone-in vote (or the telephone number used for voting the short films in the competition) will be processed for the following purposes:
b) participation in the televote at the end of the Ennesimo People’s Choice award;
c) fulfilments and / or legal obligations;
d) objections and / or disputes
17. Providing of data is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and will be processed only by people authorized to the processing as responsible in compliance with art. 28 GDPR in order to carry out correctly all the activities necessary for the assignment of the Ennesimo People’s Choice award. Personal data may be disclosed to the judicial authority if required by law or to prevent a crime or to apprehend an offender. In any case, personal data are not communicated to third parties or disclosed for marketing or promotional purposes.
18. Personal data will be kept only for the time necessary for the purposes of assigning the Ennesimo People’s Choice award. Data will be processed for a further period in the event of the need to manage any objections and / or disputes.