19 September 2018
by Redazione Ennesimo Film Festival
by Redazione Ennesimo Film Festival

We are touched again, because among the many initiatives proposed you chose to spend with us your Saturday night. Good first take, for This is not the Ennesimo festivalfilosofia!
10 shorts in competition, and the panel of judges decided to awards 2 of them. Here the reasons!
Ennesimo Truth Mention to Someone

The short film Someone focuses on the clash between historical truth and the truth of the individual,
which fades into the background – despite the recent violence experienced – in the name of something
greater and bigger: humanity. The abuse of the woman represents the abuse suffered by every human
being. If mankind is not able to stop violence, a woman’s silence can.
Special Mention by the judges to Again

The short film Again has been awarded the Special Mention by the judges for its poetic emphasis on the
relationship between memory, truth and human consciousness.