Save the date! Saturday 14th September, 9 p.m., at Crogiolo Marazzi: don’t miss your date with
This is not the Ennesimo festivalfilosofia!
Ennesimo Film Festival and festivalfilosofiacollaborated for the second time to create a special screening event of short-films on the topic #PERSONA.
Analysing individuals through cinema is a field of investigation that dates back to the first time that someone tried to impress a tiny simple action on a film. Nevertheless, the recognition of one’s persona – through all those processes that trigger the expression of one’s individuality – is involved with the relationship with other individuals and our surrounding environment.
Our selection of short-films for This is not the Ennesimo festivalfilosofia investigates the many aspect of the Persona in contemporary life: one’s role in society and in the workplace, the affirmation of one’s individuality within society or in a community, as well as one’s desire to stand out and the expression of humans’ most recurrent actions: to love, to hide out, to show yourself, and to live.
Lorenza Di Francesco has got a degree in Communication sciences and a PhD inSemiotics; she teaches Film Studies in the Bachelor program of Communication sciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Currently, she is part of a research team, whose aim is to study and enhance the work of Cesare Zavattini, in collaboration with Cesare Zavattini Archive in the Panizzi Library in Reggio Emilia. Her latest publications (written with Nicola Dusi) are collected in “Bellissima. Tra scrittura e metacinema” (Diabasis, 2017) and “L’uomo che vende un occhio. Un soggetto per il film Il boom di Vittorio De Sica” (ETS, 2017).
Paolo Ercolani teaches Philosophy of Education at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. He writes for many newspapers, such as “L’Espresso” and “Il Manifesto”, and he contributed to “MicroMega” and “La Lettura”, by “Il Corriere della sera”. He’s editor for a blog, “L’urto del pensiero” on “L’Espreso” and he collaborates with Rai Educational Filosofia; he’s author of many books and scientific articles, published in Italian, English and German. Among these: “La Storia infita. Marx, il liberalismo e la maledizione di Nietzsche” (Napoli 2011); “L’ultimo Dio. Internet, il mercato e la religione stanno costruendo una società post-
umana”, prefaced by Umberto Galimberti (Bari 2012); “The West Removed. Economics, Democracy, Freedom: A Counter-History of Our Civilization”, prefaced by Santiago Zabala (London – New York 2016); “Contro le donne. Storia e critica del più antico pregiudizio” (Venezia 2016, winner of the National Prize Com&Te). In March 2019, his latest work was published, “Figli di un Io minore. Dalla società aperta alla società ottusa”, and it was prefaced by Luciano Canfora (Venezia 2019).
CATERINA SALVADORI was born in Bologna in 1991 and graduated in ‘Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production’ at the University of Bologna. After a short-term study in the United States at the University of California
(UCLA), where she combined her academic education with work experience on both movie and television sets; then, she came back to Italy and collaborated with screenwriter Fabio Bonifacci in many movies. Currently, she is working as screenwriter for numerous productions, such as Lucky Red, Netflix and RAI.