Tilt Associazione Giovanile is a voluntary and democratic cultural association, whose activities express participation, solidarity and pluralism. It has been founded in 2012 to help the youngest generation of the Ceramic District of Modena and Reggio Emilia to express their own creativity incultural and recreational activities that promote the territory. These activities deal mainly with education and event planning, including Ennesimo Film Festival.
Tilt is an association of social promotion, registered at the Regional (previously Provincial) Register of the associations of social promotion under number 131 on 11 th July 2014 and registered at the former Municipal Register of the associations of the Municipality of Fiorano Modenese under number 21208/2013. The recognition of the legal personality has been certified by the Italian Revenue Agency under number 4328 dated 12 th December, 2012. Today, the association counts 45 members and the vast majority of them are under 35.
In 2018 the Association won the call Futuro Presente (“Present Future”), promoted by MIUR and by Associazione Italiana Giovani per L’Unesco (Young People for Unesco Italian Association).
Here are some of the events developed and organised by TILT:
Si può parlare di cinema esplorando le vie della propria città? Noi diciamo di sì!
Is it possible to discuss about cinema while exploring the streets of your own city? We think so!
Take part in a thrilling stroll through the streets of Modena with Mirco and Kabir, who are going to tell how the theme of the city intertwines with cinema, food and museums in films, through the eyes of directors and authors.
During the stops along the way, the participants are going to view some videos (film extracts, interviews, backstage, etc.) on their own smartphone and they may speak on the subject, bringing their own contribution. Remember your comfy shoes and your ear cuffs!

The name of the event was taken from a famous book edited by the sports journalist Gianni Mura. Through the classic front interview, 5 sporting disciplines will be dissected and told by as many champions arrived at national and international highest levels during their career.
Leitmotiv of every meeting will be the theme of defeat, intended not only as a low point of a career, but rather as a stepping stone for a rebirth. Every meeting will be moderated by a professional journalist expert on the subject and at the end of the interview there will be a public debate to answer the questions from the audience!
Are you a movie fan and you would like to know anything, really anything about a director? Buy yourself a movie book by Ebert! Is it not enough? Come and discover the best side of them… when they have no clothes!
Ennesimo Film Festival presents “Il regista è nudo”: a series of meetings where we'll dissect the careers, the most interesting films, the favourite actors and hidden inspirations of the directors who usually sit behind the camera!
Following all live events of Il Regista è nudo, we published a series of monographies on our official website to get through the content. ➡️ Click here to find out more!
The first outdoor cinema experience in Castellarano was held in the beautiful and intimate location of Casa Maffei's internal court in Roteglia, in the summer of 2019. TILT Associazione Giovanile organized the summer event Sotto le stelle del cinema in 2020 with a cycle of screeningsto bring Cinema in municipalities and hamlets. The goal is to enrich different areas of the local community and to help people respect all the restrictions due to actual pandemic of Covid-19.
While choosing the films to be screened, we selected films and animated movies for families and children. Moreover, we conceived educational spaces just for them, thanks to the laboratories developed in collaboration with Piccoli Gesti (“Little Gestures”). In addition, our efforts to make
evenings more inclusive let us realize the events in partnership with ProLoco Castellarano, Tressano Oratory and the Roteglia's Shopkeepers and Artisans Association in order to ensure an active refreshment point before, after and during the screenings, so that the evenings could be as welcoming as possible.
A film review which explores the antihero archetype. The flawed hero apparently shows completely opposite characteristics to the ones of traditional hero. Anyway, he makes good actions, which can change the course of both personal and community history. The same community where he lives and where he reluctantly and controversially achieves his goals!
Well, wha’s the difference between our film review and the other ones? We challenged the audience!
Every evening, after the film, we have given them a card with a quiz. Very hard questions for everyone… but not for who was more careful!
Is it possible to spread cinematographic culture with some games? We think so!