Over the past few years EFF classes on Image Education have “crossed the border”, thus taking over the academic sphere.
The academic year 2020-2021 will go down in history as the year during which Ennesimo Film Festival has been analyzed as case study by the students of the course “Organization and Management of Culture and Creativity” held by Professor Fabrizio Montanari within the educational offer of the master’s degree in “Management and Business Communication” of the Communications and Economics Department. EFF had already “appeared” in this course: this represents another great accomplishment for our team of professionals and is to be interpreted as a confirmation with reference to the curriculum offered by the universities of Emilia Romagna.
«On the occasion of the first (remote) lesson we presented Ennesimo Film Festival from a first technical point of view, focusing on the aspects relating to its organisation, budget and staff management, without forgetting the issues concerning the film selection, the partnerships and the Academy lessons. The students will work in groups – choosing one aspect on which to focus – and will propose a set of operational strategies that may be helpful for the organisation of the 6 th edition of the event. In particular, they will focus on the organisation of cultural events during a pandemic, taking into account a new tightening-up of the restrictions in case of another national lockdown. Another important aspect regards the use of digital media – and the related benefits – that should be promoted as effective tools to be used throughout the year and should not be considered as an “emergency solution”. Last but not least, the students are required to focus on Ennesimo Academy and its lessons on Image Education that could be “upgraded” and enhanced with the aim of reaching the teachers, the families and the general audience of EFF.».
At the end of the course – after the oral examination – the students will present their works to the local administration of the Municipality of Fiorano Modenese, thus getting the chance of seeing their ideas and projects come true during the next edition of the festival.
During the academic year 2018-2019 Ennesimo Film Festival was involved in the course “History of Art Documentary” within the educational offer of the bachelor’s degree in “Communication and Media for Creative Industries” of the University of Parma.
The participants attended several theoretical lessons followed by practical activities during which they were asked to re-edit the documentary “In un bicchier d’acqua. Intervista a Gillo Dorfles” directed by Francesco Clerici, in order to create a brand new product to be presented on the occasion of the oral examination. The “dual nature” of the classes on Image Education appears clearer than ever: on one hand, the students analyzed the filmography they were given as a case study and, on the other hand, they surveyed their very own impressions and reactions through the use of assessment questionnaires that served as starting point for the practical stage of the course. The best works have been present on the occasion of a workshop during EFF 4 th edition coordinated by the director Francesco Clerici in partnership with Milano Design Film Festival and the two best trailers produced by the students have been awarded on the occasion of EFF Final Night. In doing so, the theoretical notions that have been taught during the year found a practical application, thus enabling the students to confront themselves with a broader audience composed of experts, journalists, and also of cinema enthusiasts.
We took part as teachers in the workshop “Festival e Mercati” (Festivals and Marketplaces) during the 2017-2018 edition of the first-level master in “Management dell’Immagine, del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo – MICA” (Management strategies relating to Image, Cinema and the Audiovisuals) offered by ALMED – Alta Scuola in Media, Comunicazione e Spettacolo at the Catholic University of Milan.
Throughout the course the students worked in groups and had to develop from scratch their own film festival, covering all organisational aspects: film selection, location scouting, targeting strategies, budget management and event promotion. In order to do so, they relied on Mirco and Federico’s personal experiences as EFF Artistic Directors, with the aim of convincing them to fund their projects.